crufty old versions [was Re: (no subject)]

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Jul 10 23:45:24 PDT 2007

On Jul 11, 2007, at 00:10, Chris Waterson wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2007, at 8:59 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I recommend you do the following (substituting any other port name  
>> for "sqlite3" as desired):
>> sudo port -u upgrade sqlite3
>> If you encounter an error that says it's required for other ports,  
>> then force the upgrade:
>> sudo port -ufn upgrade sqlite3
>> If other ports depend on sqlite3, then you need to force (-f) the  
>> uninstall. However, then you'll also want the nonrecursive flag (- 
>> n), else MacPorts will rebuild all of sqlite3's dependencies too,  
>> possibly even multiple times, which is just a waste of your time.  
>> The latter is a bug:
>> Since you normally do want MacPorts to follow dependencies if  
>> necessary, you should always first try just upgrading with -u, and  
>> only if that fails, switch to -unf.
>> The fact that apr-util is listed five times in your output instead  
>> of once is also a bug:
> Okay, thanks for the pointers.
> I did take a stab at "port -ufn upgrade", but that seemed to  
> *still* not get rid of the dependency.  As the below trace shows:
> 1. I can't uninstall gd2 @2.0.34_0 because gnuplot depends on it.
> 2. Rebuilding either gd2 or gnuplot does not clear the dependency.
> 3. But the dependency is (seems?) false, since I can "port  
> uninstall -f gd2 @2.0.34_0" and gnuplot will still run.  I suppose  
> it's possible that gd2 is dlopen'd and gnuplot will fail splendidly  
> later.
> Anyway, it seems like there might just be some issues with  
> dependency tracking.
> Thanks for your help!
> chris
> ~$ sudo port uninstall gd2
> --->  The following versions of gd2 are currently installed:
> --->    gd2 @2.0.34_0
> --->    gd2 @2.0.35_0 (active)
> Error: port uninstall failed: Registry error: Please specify the  
> full version as recorded in the port registry.
> ~$ sudo port uninstall gd2 @2.0.34_0
> --->  Unable to uninstall gd2 2.0.34_0, the following ports depend  
> on it:
> --->    gnuplot
> Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that  
> depend on gd2 first.
> ~$ sudo port -ufn upgrade gd2
> --->  Configuring gd2
> --->  Building gd2 with target all
> --->  Staging gd2 into destroot
> --->  Packaging tgz archive for gd2 2.0.35_0
> --->  Unable to uninstall gd2 2.0.35_0, the following ports depend  
> on it:
> --->    gnuplot
> Warning: Uninstall forced.  Proceeding despite dependencies.
> --->  Deactivating gd2 2.0.35_0
> --->  Uninstalling gd2 2.0.35_0
> --->  Installing gd2 2.0.35_0
> --->  Activating gd2 2.0.35_0
> --->  Cleaning gd2
> ~$ sudo port uninstall gd2
> --->  The following versions of gd2 are currently installed:
> --->    gd2 @2.0.34_0
> --->    gd2 @2.0.35_0 (active)
> Error: port uninstall failed: Registry error: Please specify the  
> full version as recorded in the port registry.
> ~$ sudo port uninstall gd2 @2.0.34_0
> --->  Unable to uninstall gd2 2.0.34_0, the following ports depend  
> on it:
> --->    gnuplot
> Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that  
> depend on gd2 first.
> ~$ sudo port uninstall gnuplot
> --->  Unable to uninstall gnuplot 4.2.0_0, the following ports  
> depend on it:
> --->    octave
> Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that  
> depend on gnuplot first.
> ~$ sudo port -ufn upgrade gnuplot
> --->  Fetching gnuplot
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for gnuplot
> --->  Extracting gnuplot
> --->  Applying patches to gnuplot
> --->  Configuring gnuplot
> --->  Building gnuplot with target all
> --->  Staging gnuplot into destroot
> --->  Packaging tgz archive for gnuplot 4.2.0_0
> --->  Unable to uninstall gnuplot 4.2.0_0, the following ports  
> depend on it:
> --->    octave
> Warning: Uninstall forced.  Proceeding despite dependencies.
> --->  Deactivating gnuplot 4.2.0_0
> --->  Uninstalling gnuplot 4.2.0_0
> --->  Installing gnuplot 4.2.0_0
> --->  Activating gnuplot 4.2.0_0
> --->  Cleaning gnuplot
> ~$ sudo port uninstall gd2 @2.0.34_0
> --->  Unable to uninstall gd2 2.0.34_0, the following ports depend  
> on it:
> --->    gnuplot
> Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that  
> depend on gd2 first.
> ~$ sudo port -f uninstall gd2 @2.0.34_0
> --->  Unable to uninstall gd2 2.0.34_0, the following ports depend  
> on it:
> --->    gnuplot
> Warning: Uninstall forced.  Proceeding despite dependencies.
> --->  Uninstalling gd2 2.0.34_0
> ~$ gnuplot
>         G N U P L O T
>         Version 4.2 patchlevel 0
>         last modified March 2007
>         System: Darwin 8.10.1
>         Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004, 2007
>         Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
>         Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual.
>         The gnuplot FAQ is available from
>         Send comments and help requests to  <gnuplot- 
> info at>
>         Send bug reports and suggestions to <gnuplot- 
> bugs at>
> Terminal type set to 'aqua'
> gnuplot> quit
> ~$

According to "port info gnuplot", it does require gd2. If you believe  
it does not, you can take that up with Paul Guyot, the port's  

But I think you are merely being confused by this message:

> --->  Unable to uninstall gd2 2.0.34_0, the following ports depend  
> on it:
> --->    gnuplot

The message is only trying to say that gnuplot depends on gd2, but  
not that it depends on a specific version of gd2. (MacPorts doesn't  
even have a syntax to have a port depend on a specific version of  
another port.)

You already have gd2 2.0.35_0 installed, so uninstalling 2.0.34  
should be perfectly fine. Just force it:

$ sudo port -f uninstall gd2 @2.0.24_0

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