No Lucida Grande bold with freetype 2.3.5

Avi Drissman avi at
Wed Jul 11 16:03:55 PDT 2007

I'm running a non-MacPorts install of Pan, and I noticed after updating 
to 1.5.0 and doing an upgrade, my bold fonts weren't displaying. I went 
into the font selector, and found that for many of my fonts, but 
particularly for Lucida Grande, the bold versions weren't drawing.

Switching between 2.3.4 and 2.3.5, it seems that everything works well 
in 2.3.4, and not in 2.3.5.

Any ideas? Suggestions for tracking this down?



Avi Drissman                                          avi at
               Argh! My mail server is trunca

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