where are the portfiles?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Jul 15 15:38:27 PDT 2007

On Jul 15, 2007, at 17:33, lolveley wrote:

> are you here, ryan?
> here is the error the I have when I try to install popt:
> --->  Configuring popt
> Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure:  
> shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_devel 
> _popt/work/popt-1.11" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --mandir=/ 
> opt/local/share/man --with-libintl-prefix=/opt/local --with- 
> libiconv-prefix=/opt/local " returned error 1
> Command output: configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub
> I dont't know what to do.
> But does exist a "dmg" for the installation of gnome?

I am here but I don't have any further suggestions either. If you  
have the latest Mac OS X (10.4.10), all the software updates, and the  
latest Xcode (2.4.1), and your /bin/sh is functional, then I don't  
know why popt doesn't compile for you, because it works for me.

MacPorts does not provide binaries, in dmg or any other format, for  
any software, other than MacPorts base itself. If you want a binary  
installation, you'll have to look elsewhere. Start with the project's  

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