Dependency Problem of Upgrading Gnuplot: A Possible Bug

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Tue Jul 24 14:32:01 PDT 2007

On Jul 24, 2007, at 5:27 PM, Xin Liu wrote:
> I checked the code for the "update" command: if I'm not wrong, the
> code lies in macports::upgrade{}. According to the following piece
> excerpted from the it:
> ***
>                # library depends is upgraded
>                if {[info exists portinfo(depends_lib)]} {
>                        foreach i $portinfo(depends_lib) {
>                                if {![llength [array get depscache  
> $i]]} {
>                                set d [lindex [split $i :] end]
>                                        set depscache($i) 1
>                                        upgrade $d $i $variationslist
> $optionslist depscache
>                                }
>                        }
>                }
> ***
> It does not seem to check the external dependencies at all: all it
> does is to extract the port name from strings like "bin:tex:teTeX" and
> upgrade the port. It SHOULD have used something like _mportispresent{}
> to check whether the external dependencies have been satisfied. Or did
> I miss something?

bin style dependencies are discouraged because of problems like this.

The upgrade code (unless you pass it -n, which is what you want to be  
doing to fix this particular issue for yourself) needs to upgrade  
library dependencies (for cases where the new version of the port  
needs the newer library) and can't just check bin/lib style  
dependencies in that case (as the port could be installed, but is an  
older version).

Daniel J. Luke
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
| *-------------- -------------* |
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |

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