Open Source Mac - Free, Open-Source software for OS X

Yves de Champlain yves at
Fri Jun 1 05:07:58 PDT 2007

Le 07-06-01 à 05:59, Ian Eiloart a écrit :

> --On 30 May 2007 10:37:37 -0700 "Jordan K. Hubbard"  
> <jkh at> wrote:
>> On May 30, 2007, at 9:40 AM, paul beard wrote:
>>> I'm getting a sense that people who use double-clickable installers
>>> are somehow not "our sort of people." Goodness knows we can always
>>> use more snobbery ;-)
>> I wouldn't argue that at all.  I would instead argue that MacPorts is
>> simply not READY to serve people who use double-clickable installers.
>> That has always been a design goal of MacPorts, but it's not there  
>> yet.
>> It has a ways to go.  It doesn't even know how many of its ports even
>> build at a given time yet, much less have them all packaged up and  
>> ready
>> to double click on. :-)
>> - Jordan
> No, but MacPorts might be used to install such software on machines  
> managed by system admins who do see the advantage. For example,  
> they might be University or company Sys Admins who manage a lot of  
> machines.
> Or, I might prefer to use MacPorts to install such software for my  
> Mum. SSH and MacPorts might be a better solution than ARD over a  
> cheap broadband connection, for example.

The key, as pointed here, is the targetted audience.  There is no  
good tool to rule them all.  The real question is "for who and what  
should MacPorts be really good, and is it ?"  I use MacPorts to  
install Gimp and would never use  I download Smultron and  
would never build it from source.  And I'm not (too) schizoid.  The  
other question is "what can be learned from that opensource mac  
site ?"  I would answer that some editoral is always most welcome.   
How about a "feature app of the week" on the home page ? (but I won't  
do it)


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