libgcrypt and +universal variant

Chris Pickel sfiera at
Wed Jun 6 12:23:21 PDT 2007

On 06 Jun, 2007, at 15:02, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2007, at 11:43, Chris Pickel wrote:
>> variant universal { configure.args-append --disable-static }
> Doesn't redefining "variant universal" like that _overwrite_ the  
> default universal variant MacPorts provides, thereby making it no  
> longer attempt to build anything universal?

Hmm, yes, that's probably true. As I said, I'm not experienced with  

I changed it by putting the following into "platform darwin 8" (on  
the assumption that anyone that currently wants +universal is on that  

     if {[variant_isset universal]} {
         configure.args-append --disable-static

No dice. It looks like it's building some arch-specific libs, which  
fail when it looks to assemble a universal lib. But for future  
reference, is there a cleaner way to make a small change like that to  
the universal variant?

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