boost 1.34 (diff submitted)

Sancho McCann sanchom at
Sat Jun 9 10:52:23 PDT 2007

I submitted the diff at


On 4-Jun-07, at 3:22 PM, markd at wrote:

> Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> on Monday, June 4, 2007 at  
> 2:23 PM
> -0800 wrote:
>>> Yeah, I could do it. It would be my first maintenance task ever on
>>> a port though, so I would need some guidance. Is there a good
>>> reference to read to explain what I'd need to do?
>> Not exactly, unfortunately. The documentation from when the project
>> was called DarwinPorts has not been migrated to MacPorts yet, and is
>> out of date. But you can still read it here in the Internet Archive:
>> docs/
>> The best advice is to look at existing portfiles and see how they do
>> things.
>> You will want to make a copy of the boost portfile:
>> $ cd `port dir boost`
>> $ cp Portfile Portfile.orig
>> Then edit the portfile:
>> $ port edit boost
>> Then make your changes and try installing the port. Once you have a
>> change you're happy with and want to share, get a diff of your  
>> changes:
>> $ diff Portfile.orig Portfile > Portfile.diff
>> Attach the diff to a new ticket in MacPorts' Trac installation. Then
>> write back to the list and tell us the ticket number and someone will
>> look at it and commit it.
> You should submit unified diffs using "-u":
> diff -u Portfile.orig Portfile > Portfile.diff
> Mark

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