New milestone: Feature Requests

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at
Fri Jun 22 09:38:58 PDT 2007

	Good afternoon everyone! I've recently created two new milestones in  
our trac roadmap,,  
called "Feature Requests" and "Port Requests". From their descriptions:

-) Feature Requests: Where requests for new features in the MacPorts  
base infrastructure should go.
-) Port Requests: Where requests for software packages that are not  
yet in our ports tree nor in milestone:"New Ports" should go. More  
specifically, milestone:"New Ports" is for submissions from non- 
committers that come complete with a Portfile, whereas this milestone  
is simply for requests to write Portfiles for certain software packages.

	I think their explanations are rather self explanatory so I wont go  
on about them here. In any case, do let me know if you'd like to see  
improved descriptions for them and/or if you have any questions.  
Other than that, start filling them up!



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