a2ps output incompatible with Adobe distiller

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Mar 2 19:58:52 PST 2007

On Mar 2, 2007, at 18:59, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Feb 28, 2007, at 06:22, Michael Williams wrote:
>> Also, if the fix is accepted, I assume the patch-file will reside
>> somewhere on the MacPorts website, which is how a "port install a2ps"
>> will find it. Before then, while I'm testing my own fixes, how do I
>> persuade MacPorts to look for the patch on the local machine? Is  
>> there a
>> convention for giving such patch-files a more descriptive name  
>> than just
>> patch-file?
> If you have a file foo.c that you're submitting a patch for, the  
> recommendation is to name the patchfile "patch-foo.c.diff" as per  
> the old documentation:
> http://darwinports.opendarwin.org/docs/ch04s07.html
> "The standard convention is to name the patch file 'patch- 
> <filename>.diff, with one diff file per file altered in the source.  
> If the filename is ambiguous because there are multiple files with  
> that name in the distribution, supply the path components to  
> uniquely identify the file being patched. Diffs should be created  
> from the top level of worksrcdir, the working source directory  
> where the port was extracted [...]"

Sorry, I forgot to say: the patchfile itself gets stored in the  
MacPorts repository (it goes into the "files" directory at the same  
level as the Portfile), which gets automatically downloaded to all  
users' machines when they "port sync". No need for the patchfile to  
be on any web site. You can create the "files" directory in your  
local tree and put your patchfiles there while developing. Then just  
make sure you submit the patchfiles in addition to a diff to your  
Portfile when you finally submit your changes in a Trac ticket.

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