How can I change the configuration of a port?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Mar 8 21:02:01 PST 2007

On Mar 8, 2007, at 13:58, Bengt Nilsson wrote:

> Some MacPorts newbie questions:
> I want to install wxwidgets and I want to have some control over  
> the configuration used.
> How can I do that?
> If I need to go into the portfile and change it, where is it placed?

MacPorts philosophy is that the port maintainer has made the  
decisions for you regarding what configuration options are useful.  
Some ports have variants, which enable different options. To see what  
variants are available, do "port info wxwidgets". (Ignore variants  
darwin_6, 7, and 8, and macosx; these are auto-selected by MacPorts  
based on your OS. Also ignore universal, which is experimental and  
may require MacPorts 1.4.0 which is not released yet.)

To see where a portfile is, do "port file wxwidgets". To edit a  
portfile, do "port edit wxwidgets".

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