Continued Gnome-Applets Install Problems

Andreas Wuest awuest at
Thu May 3 16:08:18 PDT 2007


On 5/3/07, Christopher Riker <criker at> wrote:
> Andi -
> Thanks for the suggestion. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something
> (still new to unix and MacPorts), because:
>  From my terminal I executed a:
> sudo xsltproc -o drivemount-sv.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename
> drivemount --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam
> db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam
> db2omf.lang sv --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/opt/local/share/omf" --
> stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/opt/local/share/gnome/help" --
> stringparam db2omf.omf_in "`pwd`/./" `/opt/local/bin/
> pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` sv/drivemount.xml

Heh, looks like I was not not able to get my point across correctly... ;)

What I meant was: if you used e.g. 'sudo port install gnome-applets'
or whatever you did, and this failed with the error you've posted
previously, simply re-issue 'sudo port install gnome-applets' right
after it failed, and see what happens (don't do any clean whatsoever
after the failure). Normally, it runs through correctly this time for

Kind regards,

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