FAQ for new users/busted installs

markd at macports.org markd at macports.org
Sat May 5 13:03:53 PDT 2007

>I have seen a few instances of new MacPorts users having issues that can
>be traced back to a fink installation on the same system. I'm starting to
>think that should be question that gets asked upfront on some of these
>cases. A misconfigured PATH, some debris in /sw can hose things up and
>it's no always evident that MacPorts isn't to blame. 

I agree.  I've planned to add a slight amount of verbage to the
InstallingMacPorts doc about what to and why some users have /sw
directories and haven't gotten around to it yet.  People sometimes don't
know that fink is still lying around.  If someone else doesn't get there
first, I think I can do that real soon, maybe even this weekend.  It
should ony take a couple of minutes.


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