FAQ for new users/busted installs

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun May 6 19:39:36 PDT 2007

On May 6, 2007, at 15:26, Charles White wrote:

> In time order (April 15, 2006), the contents of Library/Receipts  
> (as seen through Finder) include a directory for DarwinPorts 1.2.1,  
> several related Tcl directories, and an R directory (www.r- 
> project.org). At the time, I was building cross-platform Tcl  
> interfaces to statistical procedures that I wrote in R. It's not an  
> Active State Tcl but I don't know if the tcl.sourceforge.net  
> references really mean anything or not. My Unix and Tcl skills are  
> little more than rote copying. Help on uninstalling DarwinPorts and  
> reverting Tcl would be appreciated.

Instructions for uninstalling DarwinPorts (now called MacPorts) are  
in the FAQ:


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