/bin/date and coreutils

Elias Pipping pipping at macports.org
Mon May 7 12:03:17 PDT 2007

No, I don't think so, judging by its manpage[1].

[1] http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ 


Elias Pipping

On May 7, 2007, at 8:52 PM, David Liontooth wrote:

> In OSX, /bin/date doesn't support the -d switch
>     date: illegal option -- d
> In the case of sed, I needed the -r switch and found gsed, providing
> gnused, in macports, which works great.
> The date utility is bundled in coreutils on debian, along with cat  
> chown
> df ln and so on -- I imagine this can't easily be ported?
> Details:
> I run a certain job daily, which puts the results in a directory named
> by that day's date.
> In a script operating on these results, I need to indicate which
> directory to work on by how many days ago it was created.
> So I might set up this command in cron:
>       work 4
> to run the script "work" in the directory created four days ago. To  
> pick
> the date, I use
>     DAY="$(date -d "-$1 day" +%F)"
> The -d switch allows me to subtract days (or minutes or seconds) from
> today's date.
> Is there a way to subtract n days from a date using the OSX date  
> utility?
> Dave
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