/bin/date and coreutils
David Liontooth
liontooth at cogweb.net
Mon May 7 12:04:47 PDT 2007
Marc André Selig wrote:
> On 5/7/07, David Liontooth <liontooth at cogweb.net> wrote:
>> In OSX, /bin/date doesn't support the -d switch
> But it does have the -r switch. ;-)
> [...]
>> To pick
>> the date, I use
>> DAY="$(date -d "-$1 day" +%F)"
>> The -d switch allows me to subtract days (or minutes or seconds) from
>> today's date.
>> Is there a way to subtract n days from a date using the OSX date
>> utility?
> Something like this?
> date -r `date +%s-n*24*60*60|bc` +%F
> Regards,
> Marc
Wow, that was fast! So I have a way to do it with the native coreutils.
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