grace upgrade problem (was: MacPorts v1.4.40 released for self update)

Jochen Küpper jochen at
Tue May 8 01:30:47 PDT 2007

> Release 1.4.40 (7-May-2007, tagged at r24909 by jberry):

So I selfupdate and run sudo port upgrade outdated... mostly works,  
but grace does not want to be activated:

 > sudo nice port -vd upgrade grace
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/db/dports/sources/ 
--->  Activating grace 5.1.20_0
DEBUG: Image error: Another version of this port (grace @5.1.18_0) is  
already active.
     while executing
"portimage::activate $portname $version_installed$variant $optionslist"
Error: Activating grace 5.1.20_0 failed: Image error: Another version  
of this port (grace @5.1.18_0) is already active.

MacPorts now says that 5.1.20 is already installed, but when I  
actually look in XmGrace it is still at 5.1.18...

 > sudo port list grace
grace                          @5.1.20         x11/grace

Manually uninstalling grace 5.1.18 and activating 5.1.20 works, though.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit                http://www.Jochen-
     Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité                GnuPG key: CC1B0B4D
         Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll

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