[update] Monotone, Portfile for 0.35.

Michał Roszka michal.roszka at gmail.com
Tue May 8 05:36:44 PDT 2007


Here is an updated Portfile for monotone 0.35 (yesterday's release).  
I am not sure, should I send updated portfiles here or do you  
(macports team) prefer another way?

PortSystem 1.0
name             monotone
version          0.35
categories       devel
maintainers      nomaintainer at macports.org
description      A distributed version control system
long_description \
        monotone is a free distributed version control system. It  
provides \
        a simple, single-file transactional version store, with fully \
        disconnected operation and an efficient peer-to-peer  
synchronization \
        protocol. It understands history-sensitive merging,  
lightweight \
        branches, integrated code review and 3rd party testing.
homepage         http://monotone.ca/
platforms        darwin
master_sites     ${homepage}downloads/${version}/
checksums        md5 9b53046dda8ba7549fa5ce765e14fa65 \
                 sha1 b745eee239ab198f4263493c7f79cfd1b6935127 \
                 rmd160 91cb91fc25415f8357a57f199a5f83b8ea9293a1
depends_lib      lib:XXX:boost
configure.args   --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --mandir=${prefix}/ 

Kind regards,

	-- M. Roszka

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