/bin/date and coreutils

David Liontooth liontooth at cogweb.net
Tue May 8 10:31:30 PDT 2007

Didier Arenzana wrote:
> 2007/5/8, David Liontooth <liontooth at cogweb.net>:
>> Are there disadvantages to installing coreutils -- does it or could it
>> interefere with other programs? I'm a bit queasy, but I guess as long as
>> /opt/local/bin is last in the path it won't interfere.
> In fact, if I understand correctly the portfile, the coreutils port
> install all GNU utilties with a 'g' prefix ( ls is installed as
> /opt/local/bin/gls , and so on) . So there shouldn't be a conflict
> with the native utilities.
> There's a variant 'with_default_names' that also create links between
> the g-name and the native name (it creates a  link from
> /opt/local/bin/ls to /opt/local/bin/gls).
Nice, thanks.

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