port activate error: can't read "revision": no such variable

Paulo Moura pmoura at di.ubi.pt
Wed May 9 13:08:47 PDT 2007

On 2007/05/09, at 20:29, paul beard wrote:

> On May 9, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Paulo Moura wrote:
>> There is no "revision" variable in the portfile. Any ideas? Thanks,
> This man page seems to contradict itself, but perhaps it's not  
> optional, as mentioned below.
> ...
>      revision
>          Local revision number of Portfile.  Increment for port  
> revisions
>          which would change its installation in any way.
>          Type: optional
>          Default: 0

I took a look at some other portfiles. None of them defines the  
"revision" variable. It also seems that the now I've a corrupted  

pmmbp:~/Documents/Prolog/xsbcvs pmoura$ sudo port -f install
--->  Fetching xsb
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for xsb
--->  Extracting xsb
--->  Configuring xsb
--->  Building xsb with target all
--->  Staging xsb into destroot
--->  Packaging tgz archive for xsb 3.0.1+_0
--->  Installing xsb 3.0.1+_0
Error: Target com.apple.install returned: Registry error: xsb @3.0.1 
+_0 already registered as installed.  Please uninstall it first.
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
pmmbp:~/Documents/Prolog/xsbcvs pmoura$ sudo port -p uninstall xsb  
Error: port uninstall failed: can't read "revision": no such variable

pmmbp:~ pmoura$ sudo port -d selfupdate
pmmbp:~ pmoura$ port outdated
Error: port installed failed: Registry error: xsb @0.9.0_0+darwin_8  
not registered as installed.
No ports are installed.

No idea where "xsb @0.9.0_0+darwin_8" as there is no "xsb" port other  
than the one I'm writing:

pmmbp:~ pmoura$ port info xsb
No port xsb found.

The portfile is pretty simple:

PortSystem	1.0

name		xsb
version		3.0.1+
categories	lang
maintainers	pmoura at logtalk.org

description	XSB is a Logic Programming and Deductive Database system  
for Unix and Windows

long_description	\
		XSB is a Logic Programming and Deductive Database system for Unix  
and Windows. \
		It is being developed at the Computer Science Department of the  
Stony Brook \
		University, in collaboration with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,  
Universidade \
		Nova de Lisboa, Uppsala Universitet and XSB, Inc.

homepage		http://xsb.sourceforge.net/	
master_sites	${homepage}
fetch.type		cvs
cvs.root		:pserver:anonymous at xsb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/xsb
cvs.module		XSB

configure.args	--prefix=${destroot}/${prefix}/share/${name}

worksrcdir		"XSB"
configure.dir	"${worksrcdir}/build"

build.dir		"${worksrcdir}/build"

build.cmd		"./makexsb"

post-destroot	{
	system "ln -sf ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/${version}/bin/xsb  

Your help is appreciated. And please don't tell me to wipe out my  
MacPorts installation and start over; I've dozens of ports installed  
that I use daily.



Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura
Dep. of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

Office 4.3  Ext. 3257
Phone: +351 275319891 Fax: +351 275319899
Email: <mailto:pmoura at di.ubi.pt>

Home page: <http://www.di.ubi.pt/~pmoura>
Research: <http://logtalk.org/>

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