configure.args-delete --prefix

Jochen Küpper jochen at
Thu May 10 15:07:34 PDT 2007

Thanks Ryan, Elias!

On 10.05.2007, at 23:21, Elias Pipping wrote:

> by default configure.pre_args contains only the
> --prefix parameter, so clearing the variable
> completely would work, too:
>   configure.pre_args

Yes, it seems to work.

> On May 10, 2007, at 11:06 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> MacPorts does not put the "--prefix=${prefix}" argument in the  
>> configure.args variable; it puts it in the configure.pre_args  
>> variable. Presumably you then want "configure.pre_args-delete -- 
>> prefix=${prefix}". I haven't tested this.

Where can one learn about all this stuff?

If there isn't, there should really be a Wiki page with all Portfile  
variables. Just the names would already be helpful, although it  
should obviously contain an explanation in the end.

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