Call for MacPorts documentation/site effort

Boey Maun Suang boeyms at
Thu May 10 18:54:08 PDT 2007

On 11/05/2007, at 09:15, James Berry wrote:

> Volunteers?

I definitely want to help with this (as James might remember from my  
commit rights application :-).  I should have enough free time to  
help lead the project in two or three months, if proves to be  
necessary, but unfortunately can't do so right now.

As a starting point, I've created a DocumentationBrainstorming page  
[1].  I haven't figured out the best place to link to it from; feel  
free to add a link to it if you come up with a good idea for where it  
should go.

Kind regards,

Maun Suang


Boey Maun Suang (Boey is my surname)
Email: boeyms at

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