Trouble with subversion

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Mon May 14 08:04:53 PDT 2007

On May 14, 2007, at 2:19 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> I see that the subversion port is missing some dependencies,  
> including libiconv. Daniel?

I guess the current version includes it (IIRC previous versions  
didn't link it with the svn binary). Of course, apr-util and gettext  
both require libiconv, so it's probably not a practical problem.

I'll update the portfile.

> $ sudo port -t install subversion +mod_dav_svn +no_bdb +tools
> --->  Fetching subversion
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for subversion
> --->  Extracting subversion
> --->  Applying patches to subversion
> --->  Configuring subversion
> Warning: Target configure has an undeclared dependency on apache2
> Warning: Target configure has an undeclared dependency on libiconv
> Warning: Target configure has an undeclared dependency on p5-pathtools
> Warning: Target configure has an undeclared dependency on perl5.8
> Warning: Target configure has an undeclared dependency on zlib
> --->  Building subversion with target all mucc
> Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on libiconv
> Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on openssl
> Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on sqlite3
> Warning: Target build has an undeclared dependency on zlib
> --->  Staging subversion into destroot
> --->  Installing subversion 1.4.3_1+mod_dav_svn+no_bdb+tools
> --->  Activating subversion 1.4.3_1+mod_dav_svn+no_bdb+tools
> --->  Cleaning subversion
> $

Daniel J. Luke
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
| *-------------- -------------* |
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |

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