error building python24 on mac os x

Stuart Robertson s.glendinning.robertson at
Mon May 14 08:24:06 PDT 2007

I've solved my python24 problem after finding the following line in  
the macports irc logs for April 10 2007 at

"[21:23:41] <f00> it's just matter of having quicktime, coreaudio and  
opengl sdk installed"

I'd missed out coreaudio and opengl. Perhaps the wiki should  
encourage everyone to install all of the developer tools (minus  
developer docs, all 1.4gb of them) rather than only the x11 bits.

Any way python24 builds and duplicity installs, now I just have to  
figure out how to use it.


On 13 May 2007, at 22:38, Stuart Robertson wrote:

> I remain stuck with building python24. I've uninstalled macports,  
> reinstalled, run selfupdate and tried once again to build python 24  
> with " sudo port -v install python24". I've attached the resulting  
> approx. 650 lines of terminal output rather than include it all  
> within this message (I hope that's the right thing to do).
> The only things that look like they are causing problems to me are  
> lines 435 and lines 530-1 (see below). The output ends with 1  
> warning at line 652. The lines between 530 and 650 mostly seem to  
> concern problems with 'mactoolboxglue'.
> line 435
> cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is  
> valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
> 530-1
> In file included from Python/mactoolboxglue.c:27:
> ./Include/pymactoolbox.h:11:33: error: QuickTime/QuickTime.h: No  
> such file or directory
> 652-3-
> Warning: the following items did not execute (for python24):  
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
> I'd like to use rdiff-backup or duplicity, both current ports, but  
> without python24 I'm stuck. Can anyone tell me whether this seems  
> to be a difficulty with my system or with the available port of  
> python24?
> Any help appreciated,
> Stuart
> Imac G5
> 10.4.9
> Xcode 2.4.1
> <python 24.txt>
> On 12 May 2007, at 17:13, Stefan Bruda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First of all, sorry for the delay in responding (I have been away  
>> from my
>> machine).
>> paul beard wrote:
>>> On May 10, 2007, at 2:11 PM, Stefan Bruda wrote:
>>>> Somebody wants a python.exe...
>>> make a link to python in the same directory and see what that gets
>>> you. I think that resolves it, though why it happens in the first
>>> place is a mystery.
>> This fixes it alright.  It might be that the build process gets  
>> confused
>> by the filesystem (I am using case-sensitive HFS).
>> Stefan

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