error building python24 on mac os x

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon May 14 10:54:13 PDT 2007

On May 14, 2007, at 11:29, Michael Dakin wrote:

> Although the install process actually failed during the "Cleaning  
> python24" stage with the following error:
> --->  Cleaning python24
> couldn't change working directory to "/opt/local/var/db/dports/ 
> build/ 
> _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_ 
> dports_lang_python24/work/Python-2.4.4": no such file or directory
>     while executing
> "cd $savedir"
>     (procedure "foreachport" line 17)
>     invoked from within
> "foreachport $portlist {
>                 set target $action
>                 # If we have a url, use that, since it's most specific
>                 # otherwise try to map the portname to a url
> ..."
>     (procedure "action_target" line 5)
>     invoked from within
> "$action_proc $action $portlist [array get global_options]"
>     (procedure "process_cmd" line 49)
>     invoked from within
> "process_cmd $remaining_args"
>     invoked from within
> "if { [llength $remaining_args] > 0 } {
>         # If there are remaining arguments, process those as a command
>         # Exit immediately, by default, unless we'r..."
>     (file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 2604)

This is normal if the directory you were in when you ran the port  
install command no longer exists when the script finishes. This is  
the case for the work directory and its contents, which are deleted  
during the cleaning phase. The error message is harmless; port  
succeeded doing all it intended to do. If you wish to avoid the  
message in the future, make sure the directory you execute the port  
command in will still exist when the port command is done.

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