port outdated failure message

Valentin Kuznetsov vkuznet at gmail.com
Fri May 25 13:03:59 PDT 2007

somehow I did something to my port collection that I can't longer  
list outdated ports, can't upgrade and do any other maintenance,  
except installing a new port. The message I'm getting is the following:

vk at localhost(16:01:04)> port -v outdated
Error: port installed failed: list must have an even number of elements
No ports are installed.

When I run portindex I've got 0 errors, but along the output lines I  
Adding port sysutils/socat
Error: ==== ATTENTION!!!! ====
Error: Sockstat is not working under darwin 8 nor tiger. Please use
Error: lsof -i6/lsof -i4/lsof -U instead.
Error: ==== ATTENTION!!!! ====

but at the end of the list the output looks:
Total number of ports parsed:   3986
Ports successfully parsed:      3986
Ports failed:

So, I tried to remove this port, but it fail:
vk at localhost(15:49:31)> sudo port uninstall sockstat
Error: port uninstall failed: Registry error: sockstat not registered  
as installed.

Any suggestions, especially how to fix "list must have an even number  
of elements".

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