Scribus doesn't start: cannot connect to X server

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun May 27 02:40:26 PDT 2007

On May 27, 2007, at 04:20, Osvaldo Gago wrote:

> I've installed scribus yesterday:
> sudo port install scribus
> but when I start it trough the terminal:
> $ scribus
> It doesn't start and it returns the message:
> scribus: cannot connect to X server
> I've tried to run it with x11 server on and off
> (I launch it trough Gimpshop)
> But it doesn't work either way.
> I'm using an Intel Mac with OS 10.4.7.

Try first opening (in Applications > Utilities) and then type  
"scribus" into *that* xterm window, not in a regular Mac OS X  
Terminal window.

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