What happened to Portfile customisation?

Randall Perry listsub at systame.com
Mon May 28 14:59:03 PDT 2007

paul beard wrote:
> On May 28, 2007, at 12:58 PM, Randall Perry wrote:
>> Darwinports ports used to have a Portfile, which sometimes had 
>> customization options for the package. It also had contact info so 
>> you could email the package maintainer directly.
>> Are there alternate means of doing this with macports?
> Nothing has changed there. 
> white:~ root# port edit clamav      
Oops...I searched for portfile instead of Portfile. Didn't know about 
the 'edit' option.


> --
> Paul Beard
> words: http://paulbeard.org/wordpress
> pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pdb206/
> Are you trying to win an argument or solve a problem? 

Randall Perry

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