subversion dports syncing

Emmanuel Hainry milosh at
Wed Nov 7 02:24:34 PST 2007

Citando Ryan Schmidt :
>  On Nov 5, 2007, at 02:25, Jochen Küpper wrote:
> > Hey, I thought, so I don't need to port trees on my system (I have a 
> > subversion-tree for Portfile maintenance anyway)... I edit 
> > /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf and that's what I get:
> >
> > > port -dv sync
> > DEBUG: Synchronizing ports tree(s)
> > Synchronizing from file:///Users/jochen/source/macports/dports
> > DEBUG: /opt/local/bin/svn update --non-interactive 
> > /Users/jochen/source/macports/dports
> > DEBUG: changing euid/egid - current euid: 957 - current egid: 700
> > DEBUG: could not set effective gid to -1
> >     while executing
> > "setegid [name_to_gid [file attributes $portdir -group]]"
> > DEBUG: sync failed doing svn update
> >     while executing
> > "mportsync"
> > port sync failed: sync failed doing svn update
> >
> > I know how to update that dports tree manually, but it would be nice to 
> > have port sync working that way;)
>  Hmm... I've been using a Subversion working copy for my dports tree for a 
>  long time, but I forgot that I had also installed this function in my 
>  ~/.bashrc:
>  port() {
>  	case "$1" in
>  		sync)
>  			PORTS_DIR=/Users/rschmidt/macports/dports
>  			svn revert $PORTS_DIR/PortIndex | sed s%$PORTS_DIR/%%
>  			svn up $PORTS_DIR | sed s%$PORTS_DIR/%%
>  			;;
>  	esac
>  }
>  My dports tree is owned by me, and I can just "port sync" (without sudo) and 
>  it updates.

Well, it works for me without any change to port. My copy of the svn
tree is in /usr/macports, it belongs to me and I can just "port sync" (without

% port version
Version: 1.520
% ls -ld /usr/macports
drwxr-xr-x   46 manu  manu  1564  7 Nov 11:14 /usr/macports
% id
uid=501(manu) gid=501(manu) groups=501(manu), 81(appserveradm), 79(appserverusr), 80(admin)
% port -d sync
DEBUG: Synchronizing ports tree(s)
Synchronizing from file:///usr/macports/
DEBUG: /opt/local/bin/svn update --non-interactive /usr/macports
DEBUG: changing euid/egid - current euid: 501 - current egid: 501
U    /usr/macports/multimedia/ffmpeg/Portfile

As you can see, the directory (and all its content) is owned by me, with
my primary gid. However, the first time I tried, it failed because
everything was owned by manu:admin and I had errors about setegid being
unable to change effective group.


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