Tripwire fails to install -> Tripwire builds out of the box on 10.4.11 PPC

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Nov 17 01:42:28 PST 2007

On Nov 16, 2007, at 20:51, Tobias Weisserth wrote:

> I just took a couple of minutes to checkout the current stable Open
> Soure Tripwire(R) on Mac OS X 10.4.11 PPC.
> I unpacked the source code, ran "./configure && make && make install".
> Tripwire configures and compiles without any problems using the tool
> chain that comes with 10.4 out of the box, I didn't even update to the
> latest XCode etc.


I don't understand what you're telling us. You're saying tripwire builds fine for you manually. Are you implying that the  
tripwire port does not build thru MacPorts? It's also at version I don't see any open bugs filed against it either.

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