Oddity with Python25 and Xcode 2.5

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Nov 24 17:24:04 PST 2007

On Nov 24, 2007, at 19:10, John Wilder wrote:

> I was having a problem with installing python25 (2.5.1_3) where it  
> would error on executing libtool with the diagnostic:
> ld: for architecture ppc
> ld: warning prebinding disabled because of undefined symbols
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> restFP
> saveFP
> libtool: internal link edit command failed
> make: *** [libpython2.5.dylib] Error 1



That ticket has been fixed though so a "sudo port selfupdate" should  
allow you to install python25 without problem.

> I recently upgraded to 10.4.11/Xcode 2.5/gcc4.0.1 from 10.3.9/ 
> gcc3.3 on a g4.  Previously I had been able to install python25  
> successfully on 10.3.9 and was upgrading to the latest version.
> I found that I could overcome this two ways:
> 1. modifiying patch-Makefile.pre.in to have -L/usr/lib/gcc/powerpc- 
> apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ -llibgcc
> [+		-current_version $(VERSION) -lSystem -lSystemStubs -L/usr/lib/ 
> gcc/powerpc-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ -llibgcc $(LDFLAGS)]..
> 2. adding a soft link in /usr/lib to /usr/lib/gcc/powerpc-apple- 
> darwin8/4.0.1/libgcc.a (ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/powerpc-apple- 
> darwin8/4.0.1/libgcc.a libgcc4.a) and then modifying patch- 
> Makefile.pre.in to have -lgcc4
> [+		-current_version $(VERSION) -lSystem -lSystemStubs -lgcc4 $ 
> Since I don't have an intel Mac, I can only assume that linking to / 
> usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/libgcc.a may help there.

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