PHP PECL Extension Installation Failure

Bjarne D Mathiesen macintosh at
Wed Nov 28 23:27:10 PST 2007

John P wrote:
> Thanks Bjarne.  I got it working finally!
> I followed your suggestion using the instructions at
> and did the following:
>    pecl download fileinfo
>    tar xvzf Fileinfo-1.0.4.tgz
>    cd Fileinfo-1.0.4
>    phpize
>    ./configure --with-fileinfo=/opt/local
>    make
>    make install
> This creates the extension file
> Edit php.ini to load the dynamic extension from where ever the
> file is located by adding the following line:
>    extension=<path to>

It might also be possible to specify where the *.so gets installed:
./configure --prefix=<path> --with-fileinfo=/opt/local

> Restart of apache and it all appears to work.
> Thanks again.  Really appreciate it.

Glad you got it working :-)

I'ld still like to know where the magic.h comes from ;-)
Could you post the result of this command:
port provides /opt/local/include/magic.h
or tell me where else you got it from :-)
I can't offhand find a macport version of libmagic :-(

> John

Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
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