sqlite3 Broken

Nathan Brazil nb at saltybanana.com
Wed Nov 28 23:49:13 PST 2007

Hi.  Got the following error trying to install sqlite3 without any  
previous version of the said port installed.  I am thinking either  
the source code archive is corrupt or the Portfile is outdated.  But  
which is it?

> % sudo port install sqlite3
> Password:
> --->  Fetching sqlite3
> --->  Attempting to fetch sqlite-3.5.3.tar.gz from http:// 
> www.sqlite.org/
> --->  Verifying checksum(s) for sqlite3
> Error: Checksum (sha1) mismatch for sqlite-3.5.3.tar.gz
> Error: Target org.macports.checksum returned: Unable to verify file  
> checksums
> Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

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