Missing directory in qt3?

Linc Davis ld-temp-r5tj at pobox.com
Mon Oct 8 22:53:15 PDT 2007

On Oct 8, 2007, at 8:37 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Oct 8, 2007, at 22:09, Linc Davis wrote:
>> I'm trying to port the QT3-X11 application evolvotron:
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/evolvotron
>> There's a Fink package for it, so I thought it would be a simple  
>> matter to write a portfile. But I'm getting hung up by the  
>> following lines in the makefile for the first build target:
>> $(MOC):
>> 	( cd $(QTDIR)/src/moc && $(MAKE) )
>> I have QTDIR set to ${prefix}/lib/qt3, but there is no directory $ 
>> (QTDIR)/src/moc. A similar problem was reported by an OpenBSD user  
>> on a Trolltech mailing list, with the following response:
>> ---
>> > In the makefile there is a label MOC which has as its first command
>> > cd $QTDIR/src/moc.
>> > ==========================================
>> > mocables: $(SRCMOC)
>> > uicables: $(UICDECLS) $(UICIMPLS)
>> >
>> > $(MOC):
>> >         ( cd $(QTDIR)/src/moc && $(MAKE) )
>> > ==========================================
>> > There is no such directory on my system where
>> > I am running a packaged version of QT. QT files are in 3 different
>> > places in the installed version built for OpenBSD.
>> Ah, OK. I thought you meant Qt 3 relies on obsolete system files. The
>> problem here is just that OpenBSD haven't packaged Qt correctly.
>> ---
>> http://lists.trolltech.com/qsa-interest/2005-08/msg00013.html
>> So there seems to be a problem with the qt3 port.
> I would rather say that it sounds like the evolvotron software  
> package requires the *source* of qt3 in order to build. MacPorts  
> ports do not install their source; they only install the libraries  
> and other binaries and other files resulting from compiling the  
> source. Sounds like you may have to download the qt3 source again  
> in your port and extract it and use that.

Trolltech apparently considers $(QTDIR)/src to be required. Should  
there be something like a Fink dev package for qt3 that contains  
files only needed at compile time?

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