gnucash 2.2.1 problems (and solutions)

Vincent Lefevre vincent-opdarw at
Tue Oct 23 01:17:21 PDT 2007

On 2007-10-22 21:48:17 -0400, David Reiser wrote:
> How are the help files handled? gnucash uses yelp, which needs mozilla, 
> seamonkey, or firefox to display the help. That could be where the firefox 
> dependency arises.

Couldn't yelp use a generic command to open files in a browser, so
that the Aqua version of Firefox can be used for instance?

BTW, yelp doesn't depend on firefox/iceweasel under Debian. It depends
on libxul0d, which could mean that it is just a XUL application, but
this is definitely not Firefox.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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