Error installing BitchX

Marcus D'Camp carcus at
Fri Oct 26 11:46:21 PDT 2007

On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 08:26:36PM -0400, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Oct 25, 2007, at 8:21 PM, Marcus D'Camp wrote:
> >Thanks for the quick reply, I did the clean again and added the v  
> >to the debug install and got this during the make/build process:
> >
> >In file included from alias.c:36:
> >/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
> >_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_irc_b 
> >itchx/work/BitchX/include/ircterm.h:19:31: error: ncurses/ 
> >termcap.h: No such file or directory
> It looks like BitchX might have an undeclared dependency on ncurses.
> Could you try:
> sudo port install ncurses
> sudo port clean bitchx
> sudo port -dv install bitchx
> ... and if it works, please file a ticket in our bugreporter and CC  
> the port maintainer.

I missed that error, thanks.  Only problem is I already have ncurses
installed...  I did find other people that had the same issue here is an
interesting chat from irc I found logged:

[10:38:18] <dre^> hmm,  I wonder why BitchX can't find ncurses/termcap.h
when it's compiling, even though checking for ncurses/termcap.h... yes
when configuring...
[10:38:54] <dre^> and it is actually there at
[10:39:07] <Ed__> dre^: -I/opt/local/include is passed to the compiler?
[10:40:40] <dre^> checking...
[10:41:42] <dre^> this appears to be an environment inheritance
[10:41:57] <dre^> DEBUG: Environment: CXXFLAGS='-O2'
CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' CFLAGS='-DBIND_8_COMPAT -g -O2 -O2'
[10:42:01] <dre^> not sticking, obviously
[10:44:19] <dre^> yeah it's totally not getting
CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include, though the other ones are there... odd
[10:47:24] <dre^> gonna try adding it to configure.env in the Portfile
[10:49:11] <dre^> le sigh
[10:50:49] <dre^> the BitchX makefile has includedir = ${prefix}/include
[10:51:13] <mgrimes> hmph Failed to execute WebDAV PROPPATCH: At least
one property change failed; repository is unchanged
[10:51:58] *** HAL-9000 has quit IRC
[10:52:15] <dre^> build proper on my macbook pro, however...
[10:52:20] <dre^> *builds
[10:54:37] *** grahamperrin has joined #macports
[10:54:43] <dre^> though no ncurses is installed on the mbp
[10:59:53] <dre^> lisppaste, url?
[10:59:54] <lisppaste5> To use the lisppaste bot, visit and enter your paste.
[11:02:13] <lisppaste5> mgrimes pasted "webdav svn:poop" at
[11:02:51] <lisppaste5> dre^ pasted "poor bitchx..." at
[11:07:03] *** KillerX has quit IRC
[11:07:58] *** nd_ has joined #macports
[11:15:48] *** pbx has joined #macports
[11:16:09] <pbx> Why is there a py25-sqlite3 port?
[11:16:32] <pbx> "Python bindings to sqlite3"
[11:16:41] <pbx> Python 2.5 has SQLite bindings built in...
[11:19:01] <dre^> ah, confirmed that bitchx build fails if ncurses is
[11:19:06] * dre^ files a bug

Perhaps I should uninstall ncurses, install bitchx then reinstall
ncurses? Ugh, dependents too...  Was there ever a bug filed for this?
Can anyone do me the favor who does't have ncurses installed and give it
a whirl before I go uninstall all these ports?  Thanks.

Marcus D'Camp

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