
Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Apr 6 17:20:53 PDT 2008

On Apr 5, 2008, at 07:30, Tom Allison wrote:

> I had some Apple upgrades come in recently and noticed a few things  
> that were out of whack -- like I had some issues with the minimize  
> feature not working.
> And then I realized that my database isn't running.
> How do I get this back into the sys_init process so it will run again?
> I don't see any errors in /opt/local/var/log/postgres82/ 
> postgres.log. These are the last lines:
> LOG:  received smart shutdown request
> LOG:  shutting down
> LOG:  database system is shut down

Install the port postgresql82-server. This will install a launchd  
plist for starting and stopping the server. The port will tell you  
how to use the plist after it's been installed. Once you start it,  
it'll stay running(across restarts) until you stop it .

> NOTE TO SELF -- add dates to config.
> I guess I can upgrade and maybe that will fix it.
> If I do:
> Do I have to migrate the databases?
> Do I need to dump them first and migrate manually (will version 8.2  
> be around)
> How do I NOT upgrade a package (and dependencies)?
> I want to keep RAILS at version

As I understand it, upgrades between major versions of postgresql  
(e.g. from 8.1 to 8.2) require database migration. I don't know how  
to do that but I imagine the postgresql documentation would tell you.

If you don't want to upgrade a port foo, don't run "sudo port upgrade  
foo"? Or maybe you mean, foo depends on bar, foo and bar are  
outdated, and you want to upgrade foo but not bar. In that case, use  
"sudo port -n upgrade foo"; "-n" means "non-recursive". This is not  
guaranteed to work, of course; the new version of foo may depend on  
features in the new version of bar. But you can give it a try.

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