Building cairomm (inkscape dependency) fails

Guido Soranzio guido.soranzio at
Sat Apr 19 08:26:18 PDT 2008

On Apr 19, 2008, at 4:34 PM, Jason Merrill wrote:

> Can you be more explicit about what I need to do?

It should suffice creating a link:

sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/python2.5 /opt/local/bin/python

> It complains about needing py-xml, even though py25-xml is already
> installed.  TexText had previously worked with a Macports install of
> inkscape 0.45.  Any advice on this one?

That's because Inkscape 0.46 is executing "python" and it launches
the one provided by Apple in /usr/bin.


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