.profile not installed

Marco Battistella macports.mb at makeko.com
Thu Apr 24 08:51:59 PDT 2008

i have just installed macport in a fresh OS X 10.3.9 server  
installation using the 1.6 package installer.
After the installation i have noticed that no .profile has been  
on the manual it reads:
MacPorts requires changes to the shell environment. If MacPorts was  
installed using the Mac OS X package installer, a “postflight” script  
was run after installation that places a .profile file in the home  
directory, which contains the environmental variables required for  
MacPorts. If a current .profile file exists at installation time it  
is renamed to “mpsaved_$timestamp”.

So that i would be able to use the port command witout specifying the  
full path i run:
# echo "export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH" >>  

So it works for me right now, but i would like to find out why it  
didn't install by default and is there something else that would have  
been part of the .profile file that i should add to my .bash_profile  

thank you,
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