1.7.0 release candidate 1 available for testing

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Sun Dec 7 11:10:09 PST 2008

William Davis wrote:
> On Dec 7, 2008, at 6:27 AM, Joshua Root wrote:
>> Hmm, looks like the attachment was scrubbed in the archives, so here's a
>> link to the announcement on -dev:
>> <http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2008-December/006614.html>
>> - Josh
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>> macports-users mailing list
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> just this so far:
> (from selfupdate)
> MacPorts base version 1.700 installed
> DEBUG: Rebuilding and reinstalling MacPorts if needed
> Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.600
> The MacPorts installation is not outdated so it was not updated
> DEBUG: Setting MacPorts sources ownership to root
> note typo in "Downloaded MacPorts base version" message

Sorry if I'm being thick, but what typo? If you're referring to the fact
that it says it downloaded 1.600, that's actually correct. The sources
on the rsync server are still 1.6 because 1.7 final hasn't been released

- Josh

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