re-build again all the installed packages

Joshua Root jmr at
Tue Dec 9 04:30:30 PST 2008

Marco Calviani wrote:
> Dear list,
> I've just install a new version of Xcode that contains apple-gcc-4.2.
> Since now some ports are compiled with gcc-4.0 and some other with
> gcc-4.2, I would like to know how (and if) is it possible to recompile
> all the packages installed in the system, something like the #emerge -e
> world command present in Gentoo linux distribution.

MacPorts always uses /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 on Tiger and Leopard unless
overridden by the individual Portfile. So there should be no need to
recompile after upgrading XCode.

To rebuild everything you could use `sudo port -fn upgrade installed`,
though that won't rebuild things in correct dependency order. It may be
easier to just get a list of what's installed with `port installed`,
`sudo port -f uninstall installed`, then install everything again.

- Josh

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