repeated rebuilding

Joshua Root jmr at
Wed Dec 10 05:15:05 PST 2008

Emmanuel Hainry wrote:
> Citando Joshua Root :
>> Christopher Vance wrote:
>>> When I do
>>>    port upgrade outdated
>>> some packages get rebuilt several times.
>>> Isn't port supposed to calculate and order transitive dependencies to stop this?
>> No, but it is meant to not rebuild anything that isn't outdated. What
>> you describe should not be possible unless you're using the -f option,
>> which causes ports to rebuilt even if they don't appear to be outdated.
> Or if a dependency (say libfoo) is outdated: both the dependent (say
> bar) and libfoo belong to "outdated". When port upgrades bar, it will
> first upgrade its dependencies hence libfoo. When arrives the time to
> upgrade libfoo, it will upgrade it once more.

Sure, except the second time libfoo won't be outdated and hence won't be

- Josh

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