libxml2 woes (PHP5 and friends)

Chris Janton face at CentosPrime.COM
Wed Dec 10 12:57:36 PST 2008

I am a heavy user of Wordpress. Especially using the xmlrpc functions  
(blog photos from Flickr, "external" blog editors, etc.)

In the past few months this has become a large problem. Entities get  
stripped from the text, so no links, HTML formatting etc.

The apparent culprit is libxml2 post version 2.6.31

No resolution from the PHP folks - see the discussion at

No resolution from the Wordpress folks - see the discussion at

There's no simple fix, but apparently workarounds in some of the Linux  
communities by forcing PHP to use expat libraries as opposed to the  
libxml2 libraries. I don't understand the pointers to the fix, which  
mostly appear to be changes to PHP configuration that look like this

	-enable-xml=shared,%{_prefix} --with-expat-dir=%{_prefix}
	--with-xmlrpc=shared,%{_prefix} --with-expat-dir=%{_prefix}

but I don't see the difference between those and what is in the PHP  
configuration on macports that looks like

	 --with-libxml-dir=${prefix} \
	 --with-gettext=${prefix} \
	 --with-xml \
	 --with-expat-dir=${prefix} \
	 --with-xmlrpc \

unless there is some special magic because the expat directory is  
included on the same line as the --with-xmlrpc

I could just hack the PHP portfile to try the workaround, but I don't  
know what the "shared" means, or the repetitive declaration of --with- 

Or, I could just brute force the libxml2 port back to version 2.6.31

Anyone out there want to weigh in on the problem? Assure me that  
trying the hacked PHP portfile might not hurt?


Chris Janton  - face at CentosPrime dot COM
Netminder for Opus1.COM

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