Follow on to earlier installation question--now trying to install jam

Mark Hattam mark at
Wed Dec 10 14:24:14 PST 2008

On 10 Dec 2008, at 22:13, Joshua Root wrote:

> Mark Hattam wrote:
>> On 10 Dec 2008, at 20:20, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>>> On Dec 10, 2008, at 3:12 PM, Stephen Wiggins wrote:
>>>> Once Darwin Ports has been installed, in a terminal window and  
>>>> while
>>>> online, type the following and hit return:
>>>> % cd /opt/local/bin/portslocation/dports/jam
>>>> %  sudo port install jam
>>>> Password:
>>> These instructions appear to come from the website that must not be
>>> named (its existence is one of the reasons why the name was  
>>> changed to
>>> MacPorts).
>>> You probably need to run
>>> sudo port selfupdate
>>> followed by
>>> sudo port install jam
>>> Although if your firewall blocks your connection to the MacPorts  
>>> rsync
>>> server, this will not work, and you'll need to refer to our FAQ:
>>> -- 
>>> Daniel J. Luke
>> But *many* software sites link to the "nameless" site for  
>> instructions &
>> method on how to install their software on MacOSX rather than  
>> linking to
>> MacPorts.
> When I see a site that does that, I ask its owner to correct it. If
> everyone does the same, maybe we can reduce our dear leech's  
> influence.
> - Josh

But it doesn't help the cause when *still* doesn't work  
in IE7 on a PC. Granted that useful software authors will probably not  
contaminate their machines with IE7, but it is a great "put off" to  
normal folk.


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