Issues Upgrading Outdated Under 1.700

Bryan Blackburn blb at
Sun Dec 14 13:14:38 PST 2008

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 01:15:51PM -0500, Tim Visher said:
> Hello Everyone,
> So I upgraded to 1.700 this morning and that went totally fine.  Then,
> I proceeded to attempt to do a `sudo port upgrade outdated` (which
> I've never really had any success with in the past _either_) and I'm
> consistently failing.  I get to a line such as `--->  Deactivating
> db46 @4.6.21_1` and then the CPU cools down and it just stalls and
> sits there doing nothing.  I have no idea what's going on.
> Any suggestions?

Try running it again with the debug switch:

$ sudo port -d upgrade outdated

That should point out more precisely where it's having an issue and should
also help track down why.


> -- 
> In Christ,
> Timmy V.
> - Spend less time on e-mail

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