Issues Upgrading Outdated Under 1.700

Rainer Müller raimue at
Sun Dec 14 14:10:28 PST 2008

Tim Visher wrote:
> `sudo port -d upgrade outdated`
> It's been hung with no output for a solid hour.

I suppose it is hanging on a stale lock, as I have seen several such
reports on IRC (already with 1.6, this is not new). But I don't know the
reason for these locks. Probably force-exiting port using Ctrl-c during
activate/deactivate could leave this lock file around.

Check first if there is any other running instance of port:
  ps aux | grep port
If there is not, stop the running port instance first (Ctrl-c) and check
again - just to be sure.

Then check for the lock file:
If it is there, remove it.

After that, trying the previous command again should work.


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