Error upgrading xrender on Panther

Frank J. R. Hanstick trog24 at
Tue Dec 16 13:16:27 PST 2008

	There were 12 contiguous iterations when I first reported the  
problem.  Given the large loop, there was a stopwatch period of time  
between iterations printed to the terminal window (seemed fairly even  
in duration during output to terminal window; but, I was not  
timing).  In the sample I pared it down to three.  I tried sending a  
log file with the -d in the command that ended up over 324 kbytes in  
size (exceeding the 150 kbyte limit) containing 14 iterations before  
I hit the "control C" and that file choked at access to the list.   
The iterations may have been testing dependencies each time; but, the  
file was getting quite large and the run time taking quite long.
	Yes, I agree with you on the possibility of not being unbounded;  
but, the lack of evidence is not running long enough to find out.   
Given the corrections to the process via the "sudo port sync"  
command, it is unlikely that I can repeat the problem for another  
run.  We can file this as something to watch for in the future.

On Dec 16, 2008, at 12:23 AM, Joshua Root wrote:

> Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     It is quite possible that the only way into the infinite loop  
>> is via
>> a port failure under certain circumstances.  Problems usually  
>> arise when
>> anomalies occur and not when things run as expected because not all
>> anomalies can be planned for.  If not, sorry  to disappoint you.
> Fair enough, but I would have expected to see a large number of
> iterations given the command you used, and we have no evidence that  
> the
> number of iterations would have been unbounded and not just large.
> - Josh

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