smaller version of Gnucash

Lenore Horner LenoreHorner at
Mon Dec 22 16:00:51 PST 2008

I made this mistake today of upgrading Gnucash from 2.2.5 to 2.2.7  
without using any variants.  So far it's taken 6 hours  and it's not  
done yet.  Plus I have to go back and deal with a couple of errors.   

I'm pretty sure the only thing I'm using Macports for is to install  
Gnucash.  Everything else I can find binaries for which is much, much  
faster!  What I'm wondering is how much extra stuff I'm installing  
because I didn't think to do +without_quotes +without_hbci  
+without_ofx.  How am I supposed to know based on port info (A) what  
the variants do and (B) how much extra time putting them in will cost  

I'm also curious, though at this point it would I think be a waste of  
time, whether I could
sudo port deactivate all
sudo port install gnucash +without_quotes +without_hbci +without_ofx
sudo port uninstall inactive

and have the lighter version in place without recompiling everything  
and also see how much extra work I've had to wait for my computer to do.

Wasn't there a +without_docs variant?  Is this gone because docs don't  
work so they aren't being installed anyhow?


MacPorts 1.7.0
PowerBook G4
XCode 3.1 

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