[Proposal ] Name of Python's port

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Feb 3 08:10:54 PST 2008

On Feb 2, 2008, at 18:06, skip at pobox.com wrote:

>     js> So IMHO using py24 prefix for 2.4 port would be more  
> intuitive.
>     js> What do you think of this?
> +1.  In fact, with Python 2.6 and 3.0 on the way I suspect it would  
> be best
> to add version numbers to all versions of Python for awhile.

It has already been established that python 2.5 ports shall have the  
py25 prefix and python 3.0 ports shall have the py30 prefix. If  
there's a python 2.6 version coming, then these should use the py26  
prefix. Python 2.4 ports use the py prefix because we had not  
established the rules at that time and it is a major hassle to change  
this now. There are a handful of ports that depend on python 2.3, but  
none of them are in the python category, so none of them have a py  
prefix. There are ports for python 2.2 and python 2.1 but I don't see  
any ports that depend on those.

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