man man

Charlse Darwin macports.users at
Mon Feb 11 18:26:04 PST 2008

What happened here?!

$ which man
$ man man

man(1)ESC[1mNAMEESC[0m       man - format and display the on-line  
manual pagesESC[1mSYNOPSISESC[0m       ESC[1mman  ESC[22m[ESC[1m- 
acdfFhkKtwWESC[22m]  [ESC[1m--pathESC[22m]  [ESC[1m-m  ESC[4mESC 
[22msystemESC[24m] [ESC[1m-p ESC[4mESC[22mstringESC[24m] [ESC[1m-C ESC 
[4mESC[22mconfig_fileESC[24m] [ESC[1m-M ESC[4mESC[22mpathlistESC[24m]  
[ESC[1m-P ESC[4mESC[22mpagerESC[24m] [ESC[1m-B ESC[4mESC[22mbrowserESC 
[24m] [ESC[1m-H ESC[4mESC[22mhtmlpagerESC[24m] [ESC[1m-S ESC[4mESC 
[22msection_listESC[24m]       [ESC[4msectionESC[24m] ESC[4mnameESC 
[24m ESC[4m...ESC[0mESC[1mDESCRIPTIONESC[0m       ESC[1mman ESC 
[22mformats and displays the on-line manual pages.  If you specify ESC 
[4msectionESC[24m, ESC[1mman ESC[22monly looks in that section of the  
manual.  ESC[4mnameESC[24m is normally the       name  of  the   
manual page, which is typically the name of a command, function, or  
file.  However, if ESC[4mnameESC[24m contains a slash (ESC[1m/ESC 
[22m) then ESC[1mman ESC[22minter-       prets it as a file  
specification, so that you can do ESC[1mman ./foo.5 ESC[22mor even ESC 
[1mman /cd/foo/bar.1.gzESC[22m.       See below for a description of  
where ESC[1mman ESC[22mlooks for the manual page files.ESC[1mMANUAL  
SECTIONSESC[0m       The standard sections of the manual  
include:       ESC[1m1      ESC[22mUser Commands       ESC[1m2       
ESC[22mSystem Calls       ESC[1m3      ESC[22mC Library  
Functions       ESC[1m4      ESC[22mDevices and Special Files        
ESC[1m5      ESC[22mFile Formats and Conventions       ESC[1m6       
ESC[22mGames et. Al.       ESC[1m7      ESC[22mMiscellanea       ESC 
[1m8      ESC[22mSystem Administration tools and Deamons        
Distributions customize the manual section to their specifics, which  
often include additional sections.ESC[1mOPTIONSESC[0m       ESC[1m-C   
config_fileESC[0m              Specify the configuration file to use;  
the default is ESC[1m/opt/local/etc/man.confESC[22m.  (See ESC 
[1mman.confESC[22m(5).)       ESC[1m-M  pathESC[0m               
Specify the list of directories to search for man pages.  Separate  
the directories with colons.  An empty list is the same as not  
speci-              fying ESC[1m-M ESC[22mat all.  See ESC[1mSEARCH  
[0m              Specify  which  pager  to use.  This option  
overrides the ESC[1mMANPAGER ESC[22menvironment variable, which in  
turn overrides the ESC[1mPAGER ESC[22mvariable.  By               
default, ESC[1mman ESC[22muses ESC[1m/opt/local/bin/less -isESC[22m.

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