Unix Newbie
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Feb 11 22:56:22 PST 2008
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On Feb 11, 2008, at 21:49, Esteban Barahona wrote:
> El feb 11, 2551 BE, a las 16:43, Ryan Schmidt escribió:
>> On Feb 11, 2008, at 16:33, Peter Hindrichs wrote:
>>> On 11-Feb-08, at 5:19 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> On Feb 11, 2008, at 16:07, Peter Hindrichs wrote:
>>>>> I have followed all the recommendations in getting ready to use
>>>>> ports. I have Xtools 3.0, X11, (with the latest version 2.1.3)
>>>>> and downloaded Macports 1.6.0. I have also read that there is
>>>>> an issue with 1.6.0 in setting up the .profile, my question is
>>>>> that I don't know where to go from here, I clearly don't have
>>>>> the right path setup, and I am not sure how to do that.
>>>>> Here is what I get if I input "env"
>>>>> (...)
>>>>> If someone would be so kind as to give me a little time and
>>>>> explanation how I do this, and or direct me to some basic Unix
>>>>> file changing info I would be very appreciative.
>>>> See the Guide:
>>>> http://guide.macports.org/#installing.shell
>>>> Or my recent message to this list:
>>>> http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-users/2008-
>>>> February/008893.html
>>> Yes I have read all that, my question is more basic, do I just
>>> say type "sudo pico" and then add that line "PATH=/opt/local/
>>> bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH"
>>> and save.?
>>> I am trying this terminal approach to try and learn a new
>>> environment and to keep my retired brain from atrophying. I hope
>>> this is not a problem for you.?
>> Sure, if you like the pico editor, you can use that, though you'll
>> have to tell pico which file to edit, which is either
>> ~/.bash_profile if you have that, or ~/.profile if you have that,
>> or if you don't have either one then it doesn't matter which you
>> create. There's also no need for "sudo" since you don't need
>> superuser access to edit your own terminal settings. So for
>> example you could type "pico ~/.bash_profile"
>> I prefer the TextWrangler editor, which is a normal Mac app
>> available from http://www.barebones.com/ . It's free and includes
>> the "edit" command so you just type e.g. "edit ~/.bash_profile"
>> and it opens that file into the editor.
> Everyone has its favorite text editor, mine was kwrite and now it's
> Aptana for Web and Smultron for everything else. Although learning
> how to use pico and CLI editors is useful because if almost
> everything in the operating system fails, a visit to the CLI
> knowing how to edit some key files is quite useful.
> I will add just a minor note: .profile has a dot and that, in Unix,
> means it's invisible.
> Apple has (strangely) made the "show invisible files" a CLI only
> option:
Not so strange, considering that a large portion -- maybe even a
majority -- of Apple's target customers are the kind of users who
don't need to see invisible files (or indeed even need know that they
> % defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
> % killall Finder
> or FALSE for "don't show...".
If you don't like using the command-line, you can also download the
graphical program TinkerTool which can also set (and unset) this
option (and restart the Finder). That's how I did it.
> Another Apple-only "interesting" behaviour is that the Dock and
> Finder apps are special somehow and they can never be killed. This
> means "killall Finder" is more something like "reset Finder".
They're probably being monitored by something like a launchd plist to
relaunch them if they ever crash. Understandable, given the central
role that these apps play in the OS. If they ever crashed and didn't
auto-relaunch, users would be confused.
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